Pluto in Leo 12th house
Desire: to surrender your dreamt-up illusory power for a genuine kind that won't be put to question. To die and be reborn a new, true(r) you. In whatever way. One that is anchored in a rock solid ground of self-awareness. Or absolutely not.
To surrender to your deepest, most secret desire, to rule with impunity, to be ruled completely
To be one with the will of the all.
Give examples of existence getting stuck in darkness or hooked in the psychology of victimization?
Being drunk on power, fueled by deeply hidden deep pain. Trapped in the addiction of boundlessly controlling those who have appointed you their "savior", through the exercise of brutal power wrspped in veils of hypnotic manipulation. Then trapped as well, in the boundless guilt that will result from binding the collective or individual soul of those you rule over, your underlings, the "masses". Using it as a plaything for your repressed and psychotic inner child hiding in the dark.
Or, to drown in helplessness and feelings of unworthiness, lost in the cult of one's own self as nothing compared to that of another. In the secret hope of having maybe, though perversely, tricked the mad guilt stalking under the sea.
In the end, either way is a futile clinging- whether to the spectacle of a laughably overblown self-image, or to self-denial, self-pity and the torture of martyrdom. The way out for each of them would be letting both crown and cross fall to be dissolved in a current stronger than a small personal wish.
For example: A drug lord, "king of the underworld"/
His sensitive, secretly artistic son wanting to break away from following in his father's tracks, but not having the cojones to do so.
Give examples of gentle non-cataclysmic and more intense cataclysmic way that evolution can be catalyzed?
a/ The kingpin-of-crime father finding his son's hidden paintings. Stunned by this memories surface for him of his own dreams as a young man of going to
art school. He begins to pick up painting again. For it increasingly to develop into the main thing in his life. Linked to this his son finds the guts to get liberated and break out on his own as a professional artist.
b/ The son overdoses on drugs supplied to him by one of his father's men. On his son's seeming death bed the drug lord swears off his whole life of crime. His son survives, though with substantial damage to brain and heart. One morning on leaving the small suburban house where he's living under a new name caring for his son, the father is gunned down by some of his formerly loyal minions, to prevent his witnessing against them.----
How would sharing, being deeply intimate, going into the darkness with another look?
The two start again from scratch, communicating nakedly and honestly- with acceptance of their differences, laying grievances to the side. Telling stories, funny and sad, about defining childhood experiences, the ungrieved passing of their wife/mother many years ago, about how generational trauma can define us, and about the joy and hope of new and truly creative goals in life.
Joining in their shared interest in art, literature, movies.