Here is what I found regarding the rising sign orientation when looking at a progressed chart alone.
In a progressed chart, the rising sign position is dictated by the calculated time elapsed since birth, with each day representing roughly one degree of movement through the zodiac, meaning the rising sign gradually shifts over time, reflecting potential changes in how you present yourself to the world as you age; this calculation requires precise birth time and location for accuracy.
Ten 🙂
makes sense to me, mine is progressed to sagittarius, with my capricorn north node now progressed to 1st, and what I do now is teach and write a newspaper column in my local community (my natal nn is in 3rd), so people difinitely see me as that now.
I feel I'm not clear on why one would look at a Progressed chart alone? What info would that give in contrast to the Bi-Wheel with the Natal chart? Thanks for bringing this up!