Ari, could you speak to the difference between the Jupiter/Sag/9th - Teacher/Student archetype as opposed to Mercury/Virgo/6th - Master/Apprentice archetype? Is there a fundamaental difference?
Ari, could you speak to the difference between the Jupiter/Sag/9th - Teacher/Student archetype as opposed to Mercury/Virgo/6th - Master/Apprentice archetype? Is there a fundamaental difference?
The Sag archetype student teacher relationship corresponds to someone who is guiding another along their path of realization. It relates to interpretation, insight, cultivation of vision and knowledge of reality. The teacher role can be understood as offering guidance relative to each students individual path of realization/ growth in this life. This can relate to spirituality but also to anything in life where one is studying the principals of reality/ the nature of tao through any area of life.
The Virgo master apprentice relationship exists relative to a practice, a skill, something the soul is working on/ developing and corresponds to the gradual development of self-accuracy and the approach of mastery. It serves a function.
Thank you Ari.