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11/02/2025 3:53 pm
Hi all, I accidentally deleted her bio - here it is: Jan 9, 1996 at 5:35 PM in Sari, Mazandaran, Iran
Share your bio here. Include anything about your life journey that you think would be helpful for us in learning about your soul.*
-Born and raised as a woman in Iran -Born into a chaotic family, father was an addict with no job or career, mother introverted and unhappy with life and marriage. Poor and chaotic early years of life.
-Always felt alienated in my city of birth, at school, anywhere. Never felt like I have a home on earth.
-I was always outspoken, extremely honest and direct, and had a tremendous need for freedom since I remember. I was the black sheep of the family.
- In 2020 met my spiritual teacher who changed my life forever- Met him randomly in a park in Tehran- He taught me meditation, reiki and other healing systems and showed me the light to the divide where my spiritual journey started. Later I realized he is one of my spirit guides who decided to be next to me in a physical body in this life.
- Always did amazing at school, in higher education and any professional Development. I am multilingual and can learn anything I set my mind to. The concept of giving up is not in my vocabulary- work very hard in everything I do. - I feel empty if I am not serving people. I believe my mission for this lifetime is to help people. I feel guilt when people do good things for me and feel an extreme urge to give it back, which is not healthy sometimes.
-Above average obstacles in anything I want to do, my immigration process, new job, finding an apartment. I always experienced above average obstacles in my life.But I think those above average obstacles have been helping with my soul's evolution towards spirituality a lot though. Took me closer to the divine. I found God in pain.
-When left Iran and came to my host country in 2021, I experienced homeless, was harassed, stalked and assaulted for almost two years and police could not save me. 2021 to early 2023 were very karmic years for me-. My case was an extreme case of stalking based on police. If you have watched "Baby raindeer", that gives you an idea of what it was like. But all alone with no family, money or support in a foreign land. -In late November 2022 met my current partner who is a God-sent.
-Currently live a life of exile- have not seen my family since 2021-never had a home on earth. Out of place everywhere, at home nowhere.
- Sometimes feel uncomfortable being a woman- Female energy is unknown and new to my soul. In the life prior to this lifetime I was a man around 500 years ago with a lot of masculine energy who was in power in a community- He lost his pregnant wife and kid in an accident in front of his eyes at the age of 32, lived alone for the rest of the life and died alone. That grief was with me in this life for a long time until I could heal that grief through healing sessions a few years ago.
Do you have any questions or prayerful intentions for your life that you'd like to us to address/ give attention to? What is most alive and important to you right now?
Focusing on my north node is my main focus- I was told in a past life regression session that in the soul realm they are training me to become a guide for other souls- they told me the final life times are never easy. So I take the extreme pain of this lifetime for a bigger picture which is going back home, where my soul belongs.