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[Sticky] Recommended and Required Resources

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Hi all, besides for the recommended resources I list in each segment of the workbook, as well as the current CIC and Essentials Course content, I'm creating this thread to list my most common recommended resources and have them all in one place.

This post is only for myself to add to. If you'd like to suggest a resource to add here, check in with me first as I want to make sure all learning resources are relevant to and aligned with the course teachings.


Required text

  • Pluto the Evolutionary Journey of the Soul by Jeffrey Wolf Green. Besides for our course curriculum, this is our only required text as I will often require students to read Pluto in various houses as we practice different charts.


Online tools

  • Finding Charts: To find well known people with specific signatures, here's an easy and accessible search site:


Things from Ari specifically

  • Free Teachings page which includes playlist links for various planets through the houses as well as my 12 houses series


All things EA

  • Pluto Volume II: Great resource for all things Mars and Venus as well as aspects and phases
  • Current EA Forum Free and available to anyone. I often post in this when I have a question and am also a moderator of this forum


Astrology software

  • Astro Gold is a simple software that gives you all you need for pulling up charts and all kinds of bi/tri wheels. Good for iphones and Mac
  • Solar Fire is a more professional software that has all the things you'd ever want to do. Made for PC but possible to hack for a Mac. here's my Solar Fire Tutorial Playlist on my YouTube channel
