Hi everyone,
Ram Dass is a great example for our learning. Strong nodal activity, three planets squaring the nodes. Pluto on the AC. Also has a Sun Uranus conjunction, so we can delve more into that.
Please take some time to learn about his soul. Since we will come back together in December, you can cozy up with a nice Ram Dass documentary.
Here are some that I see offhand
A netflix movie: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RqYkUKcEBR4
On offering his guru LSD: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_pfMKXE0UFo
Pretending to be a sadhi, guru and the cookie: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6sftlctdBQk
Oprah brief biography: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-rKaEnt_tJM
If you find any other good one's feel free to share. What most important is to grasp his early life conditioning and the general flow of his life journey.
Here is a video that I feel captures some of his essence. https://youtu.be/gWAZFuz_mFc?si=_JQlfv73NRL2Ot3L
My opening bid for this chart is that his Pluto rising in Cancer has compelling sweetness of soul. He is clearly in a spiritual stage ( I don't know which one) with contact to an avatar (Mahariji).
I can feel some transmission from this video which is also why I am sharing.
I also want to note that in our study of Steve Jobs who wanted to meet Maharaji, went to India but missed him said (in the video Ari shared) that he felt in Indian culture, people value their intuition more than their intellect which he felt was superior. That in India miracles are more common. This video of Ram Dass talks about miraculous things and I think reflects much of our western vs eastern mind. The main thing I am getting from this video is humility and someone who is in a spiritual stage that might be transitioning within his life to another spiritual stage.
This is such a sweet talk Lisa, thanks for sharing. 7 minutes in and I look forward to listening to the rest.
I think I share a similar assessment as you do Lisa. I would place Ram Das at late 1st stage spiritual and probably in transition to 2nd stage at the very end. He has all the markings of a late 1st stage spiritual soul: clear path of service, deeply humble, strong inward focus. I think in his latter years, after his stroke, my feeling is that he probably began accessing deeper thresholds of awakening, things that Jeff Green taught begin at the very end of 1st stage spiritual as the soul transitions into 2nd stage. Early stages of samadhi.
If so, I would image he probably spoke less about it. That's my own impression in just watching the latter years.
Again, all of this is just my personal assessment. Always hard for me to be 100% definitive about these things especially with people I don't know directly.
Hi everyone,
Melora shared this article with me which I find to be HIGHLY insightful and useful in learning more about the soul dynamics of Ram Dass and this learning experience he went through.
Really further expresses the dynamics of his nodes and his Venus all relative to the potential ego attachment to being something "special".
Hi all,
Lisa, I think it was you who mentioned something about the work he did, I think in the 80's, perhaps with hospice or end of life care? Will you remind me?
Yes, his wikipedia page has a pretty good bio and references the Living/ Dying project as well as other connections to him working with death and hospice.