Hello! I had a question pertaining to applying and separating aspects, when the slower moving planet is Retrograde.
Using let's say Uranus in Aquarius 2 degrees, and the Moon in Gemini 1 degrees (In an Applying Trine). Would having Uranus Retrograde change this in any way since it is now moving away from the trine?
Would it be correct to still approach it as an applying aspect, but integrate the symbolism and meaning of the retrograde planet in our interpretation?
My apologies if this is not a legitimate question, just wanted some thoughts.
Thank you!
Using let's say Uranus in Aquarius 2 degrees, and the Moon in Gemini 1 degrees (In an Applying Trine). Would having Uranus Retrograde change this in any way since it is now moving away from the trine?
Would it be correct to still approach it as an applying aspect, but integrate the symbolism and meaning of the retrograde planet in our interpretation?
You got it right. This is a first quarter trine with a 1 degree applying orb. Uranus is Rx and is manifesting within the context of that first quarter trine.