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PPP Mantra

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I've been thinking about Ari's suggestion to make a mantra from the Pluo Polarity Point. The PPP on my chart is Pisces/2nd House: "True Self-value/security comes from oneness with the Tao".

Anyone have suggestions for a 2nd house/Pisces PPP mantra - or would like to share their own PPP mantra?

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This is great. When I was playing with this more often I used to try to essentialize the PPP in a way that points to an absolutely statement of truth; something essential to meditate upon which then "defeats" any element of resistance within the Pluto position itself. 

I have Pluto in Scorpio in the 2nd. A man I met, who didn't know my chart, once gave me the advice to the likes of "stillness in the midst of all change". Or commitment to my eternal changeless power in the midst of all movement. Sort of points to an unshakable ground of being, stability within my soul as all things come and go.

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@ari I love this. yes, very helpful. Thanks. Something to keep meditating on. I'd love to hear other's creations too!

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I just remembered, 

Maurice Fernandez, in a reading I got in 2007, said to me regarding my PPP in Taurus 8th, something like "being stable enough to give yourself to relationship". 

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@ari  Great... ya.... stable enough to transform. Fantastic, huh?

Unchanging enough to change...  thanks Ari.

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My PPP is 6th house Aries, with Mars there squaring the nodes SN Cancer 9th and NN Capricorn 3rd... I have been walking the path of "Feel the Fear and Do it Anyway"  but I am learning something more about it now about emotional and intelectual maturity in the doing, working on a  new mantra now, something about doing only what feels like the deepest truth, will report back in after the classes on planets squaring the nodes...! 

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@oneplusmarijagmail-com So interesting Marija. I look forward to hearing about your emerging insights.
