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Pluto Conjunct South Node PHASE Question (Natal)

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Hi Ari,

Hope you are feeling better!

I had a question pertaining to the phase of Pluto conjunct the South Node. Since the soul has a need to continue to play out the desires/ evolutionary needs as implied by house and sign of the Pluto south node conjunction(or as JWG stated as well, that possibly the soul has been avoiding the necessary evolutionary lessons, comes with fruition, or a combo of both, etc...  How would you interpret New Phase Pluto conjunct South Node VS. Balsamic Pluto conjunct South Node if they are both a relive? 

Thank you for your clarification!


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Posts: 170

Hi Natasha, here's a thread where Rad addressed this for me some time ago:


I didn't ask this specifically in relation to Pluto, but the answer can be applied to Pluto as well as to any planet. Let me know if you have any further questions.

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Very intersting. Thanks Ari & Natasha.
