Hi Ari, I dont remember hearing you speak about planets on the angle points. I am looking at someone's chart who has NN conjunct the ascendant, and SN, Pluto, and Saturn conjunct the descendant. I am not sure what to make of it... That must add another layer, no?
We never speak of the ascendant in the class, could you please address that when you have a chance, here or in a class... why do people always ask 'what is your rising sign'?
Thank you!
Very interesting.... yes, I'd be interested myself in hearing what you feel about an angle squaring the Nodes?
Hi Dawn, a while back I had a similar question about the lunar nodes squaring the angles on the chart. Here is the response from the JWG Forum:
"The MC, IC, AC and DC are CURRENT LIFE SYMBOLS DETERMINED BY THE MOMENT OF BIRTH that correlate to the current evolutionary intentions of the Soul. Thus, when the Nodes square any of these points, there is a specific evolutionary reason for that. And if those reasons are not fulfilled THEN it will correlate to SKIPPED STEPS IN THE NEXT LIFE. So, for example, if this were the Nodes squaring the MC-IC axis this could show up in the next life as the Nodes squaring Saturn and/or the Moon. - Rad"
Thanks Natasha! Ari addressed this a bit in one of our office hours (using Ailsa's chart I believe). I'll get back to you soon as I wanted to re-watch that part but haven't had a chance with all the holiday stuff going on. 🙂 I'm also taking the Planet's Squaring the Nodes class so can summarize that info here soon as well. Type soon!
NN conjunct the ascendant, and SN, Pluto, and Saturn conjunct the descendant. I am not sure what to make of it... That must add another layer, no?
1. If it is actually in that next house (1st,4th, 7th or 10th) then it emphasizes that those angular themes are strongly relevant in terms of where the soul is coming from and thier ongoing growth. Think of the AC as how we individuate ourselves moment to moment. It is both the energizer of the 1st house, but also on its own is sort of a strong vortex for how we are initiating life experinece in this lifetime. So it's just emphasizes that this AC archetype would be something drawn in from past lives. This can speak to very very strong Aries type energy relative to the nature of whatever the AC is.
2. If the conjunction is in the house that comes before it strongly emphasizes the bringing to closure, completion process. So the 12th house conjunction to the AC emphasizes these greater 12th house lessons of letting go and bringing to completion but also possibly confusion etc all as the soul is preparing to start a new cycle.
In general I find these conjunctions to be very compelling and strong.
I will discuss angles squaring the nodes in my upcoming class on that topic - looking very forward to that!