Hi Ari,
Re our recent conversation, I was wondering whether you would share your thoughts around the 2nd house Pluto in Scorpio archetype. I have come across several of these paradoxical charts recently with this signature and they feel to me not be so straight forward as what JWG speaks to in Pluto I regarding the frog in the well syndrome. Inner conflict is very apparent in this signature, between facing limitations and the desire to merge with someone or something of meaning or that symbolises power/meaning to the soul. Would love to hear your take on this.
Many thanks
The frog in the well points to a limitation in the narrow world the soul has identified for itself. They become 2nd house dependent on the resources and ways of living that they know. Relative to Pluto and Scorpio there is an underlying fear of loss, that they will not have what they need, not be secure if they let go/ get out of the well - or in some way give up their innate sovereignty. The soul needs to feel essentially self-reliant and not become depend upon external people or forces in a way where they are denying their own agency.
One challenge with this is there is a very strong sexual and procreative nature as per the 2nd house, and yet Scorpio Pluto speaks to the evolutioanry necessity to transmute/ evolve these basic procreative impulses. So a part of the "get out of the well" conflict that these souls might experience will occur through intense sexual/intimate relationships wherin the they will face the confrontations/ limitations of what they can do by themselves or conversely face the fear of losing their own sovereignty/ losing their own self-value in some essential way.
Relative to the underlying desire nature of the soul, this signature can also reflect a strong self-interest, manipulating and focusing their psychic energy on sexual experince on the basis of how that feeds their underlying 2nd house desire nature. Or just a deep penetrating need for strong sexual experience. This is how the Scorpio Pluto plays in there, a deep need for pleasure. Of course this becomes a matter of feeding the souls sense of self-value/self-worth, but then also opens up a lot of challenge and confrontation by way of getting karmicly involved with others.
Conversely, the soul can enter into sexual experience wheirin they lose their own self-value, give themselves away in a way that degrages their innate value, which then becomes a very intense Scorpionic point of strong focus on the bottom line, on the why they may have done that.
The Taurus 8th polarity can be thought of as: being stable enough in one's soul to be able to let go and embrace change. This include eliminating addictions/dependencies that keep them in a non growth situation.
Let me know if this addressed your questions Yaeli