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Jan 23 Live Class Volunteer: Wendy

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Wendy's Chart

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Hi all, here is the dream and poetry and some writing from Wendy.

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Bob Bills
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Hi Ari-

I am curious as to why you dismissed a lot of the Virgo shadow issues. 

(From the video - We can dismiss any kind of self-improvement or finding my path.  (Finding my path, this part I get) Or I gotta purify myself or humble myself, it's clear that in order for her to do what she needs to do the soul needs to know herself.  That part I understand as well.  Knowing herself.  I think it is more about the purifying.  I think that would fall into the insecurity of putting her voice out there.

I just felt an insecurity around the knowing herself and strengthening her voice and self-value about putting it out there.

Was it because of the spiritual state of consciousness or was it simply correlation to what we saw of her in class before talking about and getting into the chart?  When I was looking at this beforehand, I had a lot more Venus inner relationship issues that needed to be developed.  And I was also seeing some Leo top of the pyramid type thing that was needing to be worked out.  In my mind I had the question that she needed to consider hiring an editor to help her land the voice and also help bring the 6th house procrastination dynamics into control from the scatteredness in the 12th.  Also, Saturn square the nodes.  I didn’t really want to bring this forward in class because of Wendy being present.  I didn’t see it as appropriate.  I have been rolling it around in my head and I thought maybe the Leo part was the opposite side of the wanting to be seen shadow and more on the not wanting to be seen side of it.  It rings true with the 10th house Chiron. I also cheated and saw Kassandra in her 2nd house in Leo opposed to the moon in the 8th in Cap. 

Also, after rewatching the video here I feel it is not exactly out of sync with what I had.  I would still like to hear more clarification.

Thanks for addressing.

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Bob I just responded and lost it all. I'm gonna have to come back to it in a bit!


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I am curious as to why you dismissed a lot of the Virgo shadow issues. 

(From the video - We can dismiss any kind of self-improvement or finding my path.  (Finding my path, this part I get) Or I gotta purify myself or humble myself, it's clear that in order for her to do what she needs to do the soul needs to know herself.  That part I understand as well.  Knowing herself.  I think it is more about the purifying.  I think that would fall into the insecurity of putting her voice out there.

I'm not sure what I mean when I said that (I'm assuming you were quoting me?) think what I was meaning there was for her not to get stuck in the Virgo shadow of perpetually trying to fix or work on her life (or her circumstances). I think a core teaching for this soul is to be at home in herself and overcome the compulsive need to be insecure/ unready etc.

Was it because of the spiritual state of consciousness or was it simply correlation to what we saw of her in class before talking about and getting into the chart? 

I don't think I dismissed the Virgo shadow issues. So to me the Virgo shadow issue was predominately addressed in two areas. One, she gave a lot of attention to the issue she has with her enviroment. Being in places that feels incompatible lwith doing her work/ sensitivity to the enviroment. I forgot her wording but the core of it was a sense of not feeling adequatlye safe where she is. THe message is for her to create the conditions that support that safety. Pluto Virgo 4th with Venus there is comittment to the self intimacy and safety of being at home in her own soul. The enviomrnt can bring up dynamcis fo feeling unsupported, not adequately held (all 4th house issues) and the Virgo wants to use that as an excuse to not do the work she needs to do.

In context with the Pisces 10th, this further speaks to the learning of discipline, to consciously engage in time and space with meaningufl purpose (i.e. not be passive about it). Spiritual discipline, heaven won't come down and write the book etc.

The other area was when I asked about relationships. She knows it can be a distraciton and is choosing to not seek them right now. I think that is healthy given the strong propensity to become hooked on external forms of security (and their ultimate unreliability). We just didn't address it much because there wasn't much to process there.

When I was looking at this beforehand, I had a lot more Venus inner relationship issues that needed to be developed.  And I was also seeing some Leo top of the pyramid type thing that was needing to be worked out.  In my mind I had the question that she needed to consider hiring an editor to help her land the voice and also help bring the 6th house procrastination dynamics into control from the scatteredness in the 12th

Maybe. If she felt the calling. To me the core of it is her learning how to navigate these realms with your own spiritual maturity and comittment. If an editor or someone like that comes in, I imagine it'll be to help guide where she is already putting forth the work, but not replace the lack of effort.

Also, Saturn square the nodes.  I didn’t really want to bring this forward in class because of Wendy being present.  I didn’t see it as appropriate.  I have been rolling it around in my head and I thought maybe the Leo part was the opposite side of the wanting to be seen shadow and more on the not wanting to be seen side of it.  It rings true with the 10thhouse Chiron. I also cheated and saw Kassandra in her 2nd house in Leo opposed to the moon in the 8th in Cap. 

We did address the Leo stuff and square to Neptune and the deeper karmic threads of that neptune ruling the Pisces squaring the nodes.
