Generally speaking - I'm just wondering what kinds of signatures might reflect plant-loving souls who love to grow and use plants in medicinal ways (herbalists) and those who love to use plants for journeying and wisdom (psychonauts)? I'm aware that there are many who do both but I know souls who are firmly in one camp or another.
I'm just wondering what kinds of signatures might reflect plant-loving souls who love to grow and use plants in medicinal ways (herbalists) and those who love to use plants for journeying and wisdom (psychonauts)? I'm aware that there are many who do both but I know souls who are firmly in one camp or another.
Good question. In my own observations, the medicinal/herbalist orientation is any combination of Virgo (doctor, healing etc) with Taurus (growing planets, resources from the earth) and other archetypes too for sure. For example I know an herbalist with a 6th house Neptune in Sag squaring Saturn in Virgo 3rd - knowledge of natural herbs and medicines etc. She has or had an apothecary and her NN is in Virgo the 2nd house too.
Plants for journeying and wisdom is Sag, but also Pisces from the POV of that which is transcendent of local time/space. But the learning/ spiritual experience/ expansion of consciousness is Sag which also corresponds to the archetype of shamanism as a whole.
In combination with Virgo we are looking at the apprenticeship/ practice in working with planets for spiritual/learning purposes. I've seen this a lot in healers or those who do shamanic work with plant medicines.
Ram Dass's guru once told Ram Dass that people used these medicines thousands of years ago, but would prepare for them ahead of time (yogic practices, like fasting). So we can have transcendent spiritual experiences using various planets but without the prep. To me that's Sag Pisces but no Virgo.
I'm certain there are more correlations, so I'm really just sharing from my own experience. As always, we see these things and take note of the patterns over time.
Thank you Ari!
Patterns over time.... we'd be stymied without Time, ya? What a very useful construct!
I love the CIM quote you bring up about Time. Very helpful for a child of Saturn... 🙂 Thanks again.