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Feb 20 Live Class Volunteer: Noelle

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Noelle's bio enclosed

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Chart enclosed

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Hi everyone, bumping this thread - Noelle will join us this Thursday

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Additional information she has shared:

So much is happening with the transits.
1 - I spent nearly 2 years studying my chart at 6:06 and the new possible time emerged 6:26 a few months ago so I’m wondering if there are ways to dig deeper and figure out which one is correct. I feel like they both resonate which is kinda of frustrating. I have using 6:26 the last few months. 
2 - All my planets the gaggle in Pisces is in the 6H right now. The last few weeks have been bizarre. 

The Good: I got gifted a Mac Pro laptop late January so I made this portfolio to try and start to figure out what to do to make money. It’s very confusing what direction to go in with Neptune over my Sun. My life purpose is Gene Key 25 so love ❤️ but I can’t see anything clearly. I can’t go back to the past but I have no clear vision for the future. 
My blood work is wonky. I just got a melanoma chunk chopped out of my thigh 2 weeks ago. What’s cool is that I only ended up doing a mole mapping session because Saturn was in the 6H Pisces. They photograph your entire body and then run it thru an AI system that figured out what biopsy to take. How cool is that? Astrology and AI saved my life. And today my GP figured out a natural supplement protocol to help combat vaccine injury that created spike proteins in my blood? Apparently you can do a detox with supplements. I’ll find out more tomorrow but it looks like that’s why my blood is wonky. 
It’s been a mixed bag and it’s only just begun. 
I keep getting random gifts…
3 - I am struggling a lot because as I put up boundaries people are fracturing away and leaving my life. So that’s kinda sad but I don’t care as much anymore which is a good thing I think. Still it’s tricky for me. 

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Some more sharing from Noelle:


Also I’ve been looking at my mars 4 H cancer and Saturn 8H it’s the repeating themes with my Mars transit in the 10 Uranus transit 8 H over Saturn

Lately I’ve been setting these boundaries and it’s good it’s keeping my safe so I don’t get angry and frustrated. It’s actually happening I’m building emotional resilience I don’t care anymore. It’s very much do or die you know… no more fear and if people can’t deal the so be it. I’m not hiding anymore… I have no idea what to do or how to make money but that’s ok.
