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Dec 19 Weekly lass Chart Practice - Rebekah

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Note from Ari - this is an old friend of mine from a town I used to live in about 10 years ago. We've done healing trades in the past. I haven't seen her since she had her kids. I see in this bio there isn't a whole lot of information, so I would like to invite everyone to read the bio, look at her chart, and see if you have any further questions you'd like me to ask her.
In my experience, asking upcoming clients clarifying questions before reading their charts is really helpful. It allows us to be more thorough in gathering useful information that helps us to understand their charts - as opposed to going into a reading without really understanding much about their personal life experience. Doing this kind of ahead of time questioning is something I find to be very important.
Share your bio here. Include anything about your life journey that you think would be helpful for us in learning about your soul.
Lets see: I had my daughter during my 40th year. She is amazing and a very intense little human, who is defintely brought all of my unresolved evertyhign up to deal with. Then just before my 43rd birthday I had my son Clay. We had to move out of our treehouse garden home shortly after for health reasons. Now we live in trpoical beach paradise with my mother in law, but it feels like almost heavenly and also a suburban trap to me. I long for rolling green hills and garden, and am having trouble integrating living my deep values of nature and simplicity, within this more vacation city kind of place. I was having a bunch of health problems for the last few years, but this year things are improving, and i'm really learning to move out of constant do-dependent type dynamics and into more self-centeredness (in a good way!). My work feels like it is becoming more clear what i Want and am called to do, but its not all falling into place yet. But I really feel how much i am a teacher and group facilitator over everything else. About bringing people together to share vibration and manifestion magic. I still feel like theres is a lot "stuck" in my life right now, in my profressional life especially, and my body vitality. But my relaitonship is strong (though challening) and I have a real partner who matches my strength and intelligence and physicality and all that. That's the overview. Happy to be more specific or answer more questions, just let me know what you need.
Do you have any questions or prayerful intentions for your life that you'd like to us to address/ give attention to? What is most alive and important to you right now?
about finding a sense of home abs place, and my work in the world coming into fullness.
This topic was modified 3 months ago by Ari Moshe

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I'd love to know something about Rebekah's family of origin, the arc of her life before the children were born and the health problems entered. She's identified a theme of co-dependency and how she is now growing clearer about what is authentically her own and where she finds meaning and purpose. Any more she wants to say about how that is going?

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Hi all, Rebekah will join us this coming Thursday the 16th.

From Dawn - questions we had for Rebekah. Reposting here so it's all in one spot:


Here are some questions I took note of: Add on if you have any others...

1. In what way is your relationship "challenging" ?

2. How do you feel about your "work in the world"? What's unfolding there right now?

3. In your original writing for us did you mean "co-dependent" or "do-dependent"?

4. Could you speak more about health issues? Do you have any digestion issues - gluten/dairy intolerances, etc?

5. What would you say are the benifits of your current living situation?

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Hi all, Rebekah will join us this coming Thursday the 16th.

From Dawn - questions we had for Rebekah. Reposting here so it's all in one spot:


Here are some questions I took note of: Add on if you have any others...

1. In what way is your relationship "challenging" ?

2. How do you feel about your "work in the world"? What's unfolding there right now?

3. In your original writing for us did you mean "co-dependent" or "do-dependent"?

4. Could you speak more about health issues? Do you have any digestion issues - gluten/dairy intolerances, etc?

5. What would you say are the benifits of your current living situation?

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Reposting Julianne's post here so it's all in one spot. I'll address some of this as we get closer for Rebekah's visit this Thursday.


Hello all, 

I'm in a wildly different timezone now so I'm catching up with the videos on my own times. Just finished Rebekah's and I have a  few questions...

1. Ari mentioned, regarding her Pluto 2nd house- "How does she deal with it? By going within". In this, I understand "going within" as in the 2nd house signature, and "dealing with it" reflecting the pluto process (dealing with something). would it be applicable to answer this same question of "Dealing with it" from any pluto placement perspective? (ex. pluto in the 5th, hmm. dealing with it by creating true self confidence.... 6th, dealing with it by going in to a devotional practice).. I kinda like the verbiage of "Deal with it", and relative to my own life unfolding, pluto 9th, I too tend to "Deal with it" (whatever it is) by plugging it into a greater framework of natural law/culture/nature. Perhaps others might agree. 

2. I was very! surprised to hear an association with her cancer 11th house moon and dissociation. though I understand the 11th house archetype as it is connected to disassociation/detachment, being on the fringes, the edge of our consciousness, I also strongly correlate the 11th to where groups of people show up in our life, perhaps the disassociation is one layer of the same. but cancer being there to me would only deepen the need for community or the emotional investment in community was present since birth, and moreover since mars is there, there is a strong ability for her to take action to meet her emotional needs within community. I was surprised again to hear such a focus on disassociation. this would be an interesting topic to speak with her about directly perhaps. 

3. one more piece on the 11th house being a space where it is where she feels her own vibration or existential self. vibration just another word was new and interesting as a specifically 11th archetype. 

4. regarding Ari's estimate of her evolutionary state being late individuated or transitioning to spiritual- I was quite surprised as I would have pegged this as someone in 1st spiritual based on the zero-point body healing practice that she offers. that seems like it would flow from someone who has realized they are a vessel. but perhaps my understanding of the stages needs further refinement. can folks in late individuated stages have strong identification to these spiritual/energetic worlds? 


Thank you!

