Basic background:
I’m a coach, breathworker, and teacher. I love to read, write, travel, hike, take photographs, paint, be with and observe animals. I’ve been married for 35 years, have two adult daughters (29 and 26), and a new granddaughter.
Here are a few pieces of art that feel like expressions of the facets of my soul:
Communion Watercolor on Arches coldpress, 2020 Ocean Watercolor on Arches coldpress, 2022
Her date of birth is June 16, 1965, 10:01 am edt.
And here is her reply to what she is curious about re: lineage:
"I’ve been told that I’ve inherited certain powers from my paternal grandmother’s line. She is the grandparent I know least about, and I was told “It’s a secret.” Separately, I’ve also been told that the timing of my gift is important, that it couldn’t have been brought out into the open too early. This last part was written in the context of Chiron in Pisces. I am wondering if there’s any more I could know about that. Sure, if you work with my chart, feel free to answer whatever questions you can!"
And here is a video clip she sent about the kind of breathwork she does
Is this our practice chart for today? I thought so but the date is throwing me off.
i think today is Alisa's chart -- a little lower down in the forum.
Update: I gave pretty comprehensive feedback to Julie a week or so after the class. She said all of it resonated, she spoke about the importance of sexuality/sensuality in her life, also about her daily practices. We spoke again the next day (I had offered to talk again if she wanted), as she was feeling stirred up/teary, in touch with parts of childhood she hadn't thought about for a long time, and feeling the tensions of the mutable cross. We had some email exchanges, and I responded to a question she had about the blocks in Virgo in the 1st. There was quite a bit more, but as she will be with us for office hours on Jan 27 re: transits, we'll have an opportunity then to hear from her directly.
Hi all,
Bumping this thread as Julie will be joining us live this coming Monday for office hours.