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Bob Dylan and situation ethics

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Sorry, I had to leave the Monday class early.  I had wanted to suggest that situation ethics was definitely in the 'air' when Dylan was doing his thing.  It came to life in the 50's and emphasized love over rules and principles.  The thinking was in the stream of post-war ushering and the hippies.  I go back to Dylan playing with the conditioned beliefs that rules and principles mattered to the society he swam in.  It wasn't a question of lying or being disrespectful--they just didn't apply, nor were relevant.  His culture and the culture of us who followed the teachings of his and other musics were very much about love and letting the situation define the "truth."  Playing was so much of what was going on then--the merry pranksters--a great example, any way Dylan was certainly a part of that--it was a bit later that we all got so serious and dogmatic about our "beliefs."  Thank you.  Just thought I'd add this as we didn't look at broader influences, which I think even in evolution astrology probably shouldn't be ignored--no one is an island.  🙂

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So true Janice. The most "radical" ideas inevitably become dogma, huh?  It seems hard for us to keep flowing and BE the Tao - so much resistance in us. 

As Richard Tarnas points out in Cosmos & Psyche, the 60's were one of those powerful Pluto/Uranus times. Everyone was swimming in those waters.
