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a-synch follow-ups from Rebekah's Chart Video

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Hello all, 

I'm in a wildly different timezone now so I'm catching up with the videos on my own times. Just finished Rebekah's and I have a  few questions...

1. Ari mentioned, regarding her Pluto 2nd house- "How does she deal with it? By going within". In this, I understand "going within" as in the 2nd house signature, and "dealing with it" reflecting the pluto process (dealing with something). would it be applicable to answer this same question of "Dealing with it" from any pluto placement perspective? (ex. pluto in the 5th, hmm. dealing with it by creating true self confidence.... 6th, dealing with it by going in to a devotional practice).. I kinda like the verbiage of "Deal with it", and relative to my own life unfolding, pluto 9th, I too tend to "Deal with it" (whatever it is) by plugging it into a greater framework of natural law/culture/nature. Perhaps others might agree. 

2. I was very! surprised to hear an association with her cancer 11th house moon and dissociation. though I understand the 11th house archetype as it is connected to disassociation/detachment, being on the fringes, the edge of our consciousness, I also strongly correlate the 11th to where groups of people show up in our life, perhaps the disassociation is one layer of the same. but cancer being there to me would only deepen the need for community or the emotional investment in community was present since birth, and moreover since mars is there, there is a strong ability for her to take action to meet her emotional needs within community. I was surprised again to hear such a focus on disassociation. this would be an interesting topic to speak with her about directly perhaps. 

3. one more piece on the 11th house being a space where it is where she feels her own vibration or existential self. vibration just another word was new and interesting as a specifically 11th archetype. 

4. regarding Ari's estimate of her evolutionary state being late individuated or transitioning to spiritual- I was quite surprised as I would have pegged this as someone in 1st spiritual based on the zero-point body healing practice that she offers. that seems like it would flow from someone who has realized they are a vessel. but perhaps my understanding of the stages needs further refinement. can folks in late individuated stages have strong identification to these spiritual/energetic worlds? 


Thank you!




