Astrological influences and credentials

I am certified in the paradigm of Evolutionary Astrology as taught by Jeffrey Wolf Green. The School of Evolutionary Astrology, Message Board was an essential place of study and practice for me along my journey for many years. I regard EA and the teachings of Jeffrey Wolf Green with such love and respect and am incredibly honored to be practicing and carrying on this lineage. 

I am also a certified Soulsign® astrologer from Adam Gainsburg. Gainsburg and his teachings have had an immense influence on my learning/unlearning and was the first soul-focused teacher I ever worked with.

In 2011 I wrote the forward to the republished classic Pluto The Evolutionary Journey of the Soul by Jeffrey Wolf Green. In 2012 I wrote a book for beginners in EA. I've taught on and off with various groups through the 2010's. In 2021 I launched my first complete year long training program, the Heart and Soul Centered Astrology training program. I continue to teach various class series and in 2022 I co-founded the association for evolutionary astrologers

Other important astrological influences along my journey have been Maurice Fernandez and the message board he used to manage many years ago (we're talking in the 2000's decade), the astrologers and colleagues from the EA message board that I practiced with and learned from for many years. (Adina, Gonzalo, Kristin, Deva, Linda, Stacie, Upasika, Gray and so many others), and Antero Alli who was one of my first teachers way back during the early social media days of

About my personal studies and practice.

Other specific teachers/systems that have had and have a strong influence on my own studies and personal growth are the teachings A Course In Miracles, Jesus, Amritananda Mayi Ma, the Work of Byron Katie, Abraham Hicks, Jennifer Dawn, Adyashanti, Jeannie Zandi, Ramana Maharshi, qi gong, the I Ching, Hilary Barrett, plant medicine, and most of all, life itself.

Lastly, music, song creation, singing are essential to my journey deep within. I feel song as a calling beyond my understanding, impelling, and essential to who I am as a soul. Check out my album on bandcamp here, or on Spotify.