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Passcode: practice23

Our meetings are on Monday's at 9:00 am Pacific. 

Weekly Live Class Schedule

  • Feb 27 – Purpose and alignment live class 1
  • March 6 – Purpose and alignment live class 2
  • March 13 – Ari volunteer reading 1
  • March 20 – Ari volunteer reading 2
  • March 27 – Ari volunteer reading 3

April 3 – *Break Week*

  • April 10 – Ari volunteer reading 4
  • April 17 – Student practice prep
  • April 24 – Student practice prep
  • May 1 – Student practice prep

May 8 – *Break Week*

  • May 15 – Student practice prep
  • May 22 – Student practice prep
  • May 29 – Student practice prep
  • June 5 – Student practice prep

At this point, the option for a additional few classes is available if there is a need/ if that is helpful for looking at more of our practice charts together.

*Note all student practice chart readings for volunteers will be scheduled with me directly, not during our weekly live classes. 

Purpose of Practice Course

Our purpose is to train in chart interpretation according to the education received in the Heart and Soul Centered Astrology training program which is rooted in the paradigm of Evolutionary Astrology as taught by Jeffrey Wolf Green, and to develop our competency to begin to do this work on our own. While some students may already be offering sessions, this practice course serves to strengthen and refine our skill and confidence in chart interpretation from a soul-perspective, in service to the soul. Ari's personal intention and purpose is to support each student to both refine and ground their technical skills and understanding of the Evolutionary Astrology teachings and technique we have learned, and to also validate and support each student to come into their own medicine, their own way of holding a healing space. The container of this practicum allows for a safe space to practice, receive feedback and share in a community learning environment. 

What's most important, beyond accurate practice of astrological interpretation, is that the work we do brings benefit, that it is truly useful for whomever we work with in supporting their own soul evolution.

Structure of Practice Course

The Practice Course is structured in 3 segments, over 4 – 5 months.

  • Segment 1: Two topical classes that focus on alignment and purpose in working with other soul's and their charts. Our inner orientation to what we do is more important that what we actually do. Knowing our purpose, knowing why we are doing this work, cultivating right attitude and intention is essential in preparing ourselves to show up in this space as a soul guide. These teachings and meetings will focus on preparing us to hold space in a healing way.
  • Segment 2: Four weeks of live chart interpretation from Ari. Each week a new volunteer (not from class) will join our class. Ari will work with that person in live time. In preparation for each class, we will all receive the volunteer's bio and intentions for their session ahead of time. Practice Course forum will remain open to support our preparation and review of each session.
  • Segment 3: At this point Practice Course students will be asked to read volunteer charts. Each student is required to read 2 volunteer charts. It's suggested that the first volunteer is of someone familiar to the student, so that there is hearty life context to work with, and that the second volunteer is someone the student does not know. Ari is available to help students connect with volunteers. Approximately 8 weeks will be created for this segment, more if more time is needed.
  • Additional Practice: Throughout the entire practicum, students are welcome to partner up with other students for more optional practice. Ari is available to support such practice, either on the forum or through additional small meetings. He will respond according to the efforts given.

Structure of our learning

  • Live Meetings. Throughout the entire practicum we will meet once a week. During segment 1, this is for the topics of that segment. During segment 2, this is for Ari's live chart readings. During segment 3, our live meetings are for going over any volunteer charts students wish to review. These are either in preparation for an upcoming session, or to review/ address questions after having given a session.
  • Student Sessions. All sessions will be scheduled at fixed slots so that Ari can be present for them. Ari will be there with his video and mic off, taking notes and observing. After the session, Ari will remain on the call with student to give feedback. At times the volunteer may feel inclined to stay for the feedback session, and that is welcome. We aim for our live session to be 1 hour and for the feedback session to be 30 minutes with flexibility on both ends. A maximum 2 hour window is permitted for these sessions. Session will be recorded and posted for all students to review.
  • Ari will explain the procedure for scheduling sessions as we approach this part of our learning.

This container allows for all of us to practice and look at all the charts we will work with together (during our weekly live class) and allows for all students to receive immediate support and feedback after each individual session. In this way, we all learn together as each student does their own practice.

Alumni Support

As we progress in the practicum, some students may also be invited to play a supportive role in the 2023 Heart and Soul Centered Astrology training program. This can be through offering practice classes, mentoring, or any creative way to support new students.

Through supporting new students, practicum students will have the chance to strengthen and deepen their knowledge and understanding. All practicum students who choose to support new students will be invited to join a monthly chart interpretation class with Ari for alumni students only to support their ongoing practice.

Pre-Recorded and Live Class Uploads

Advanced Student Practice Course

$ 540 or $95/m for 6 months
  • Only available for students who have completed this course, or students who are well familiar and practiced in teachings of EA as taught by Jeffrey Wolf Green.
  • Teachings on using astrology as a healing tool
  • Bi Monthly Practice Class
  • More intimate, personalized support
  • Access to growing archive of advanced student live practice classes.
  • Option of being an alumni support for new students*