These Holy Nutrients

Compilation of Teachings 2011 - 2017

Ari Moshe Wolfe

This book is a compilation of astrology and non-astrology related teachings, poetry, stories, insights, humor and life-reflections I sent out through my newsletters and/or posted on Facebook over those six years.

The purpose of this book is to freely transmit the vibration of beauty, compassion, forgiveness and self-acceptance. The essence of this book is a healing book, an offering of love and devotion.

For the most part, this is not intended as an educational book, although I do very often teach and explain various facets of astrology. No astrological proficiency is required in order to connect with and receive these teachings.

The medicine of this book is shaped by my own very real human experience of figuring shit out. In the end, we are all left standing on our own two feet. Humbly we receive the gift of the masters and spirits who stand with us, but are still faced with the sacred task of doing only what we ourselves can do. So this is the grit and gem of a very special phase of my own soul journey. I share this with you in gratitude.

Deep thanks to all the people: friends, clients, family and people I never even met, who have frequently gone out of their way to say thank you, to express their appreciation and resonance with my teachings. This has helped me to become more aware of the medicine of my own voice. And thank you to the many of you who have suggested that I compile these teachings into a book. I'm not sure if I would have done this without your generous reflections

As I write in the introduction:

Giving is the way to find
What you've got, you're rich inside!
So let it go that you may see
All the wealth that lives in thee.

Published Aug 11, 2017 (the day before Mercury stations retrograde)

Pages: 212
Self Published
Cost: $19.98

Random Selections

Page 36
“We are all precious flowers. 
Slowly, gracefully
and ~magically~ 
bloss ommmm ing. 
No one says to the flower, “Blossom already will ya!” 
The flower, in all its stages embodies a deep mystery and excitement. 
Its divine timeliness and unfolding grace is beautiful and perfect.
Our life's journey, in all of its moments, is grace and beauty unfolding.

Recognize this soul journey from the point of view of the gardener.
The beauty of our becoming, 
And the preciousness of what we are.”

Page 81
“Sitting by the strong, flowing Deschutes river,
The sky is cloudy and dark. My breath relaxes, the body is still.
All I feel is the movement of everything.
The movement of the wind, the clouds, the river, the temperature, my breath, my emotion, my lifetime.
Here I am in the midst of it all; one single moment in the schematic of eternity.
Just one single moment.”

Page 201
“A person walks into the kitchen to pour a glass of water. The glasses are on a very high shelf. So this person climbs to stand on the counter and stretches their arm way up high to reach the glass. In so doing they create strain in their body. While this person does eventually get the glass and does drink water out of it, it happens to the toll of their body,
Now it happens that someone was watching this person reach for the glass. So when they decided to drink water, they followed in the exact footsteps. Then someone else followed what they saw…
This pattern of mirroring continued down the line with hundreds of people straining their arms to grab a glass for water!

It became well known that to drink water you have to strain your arm. That's just how it is.

You see where I'm going with this? The belief in struggle became so commonplace that no one was able to even consider how this could be easier. As such stories tend to go, in the end a little boy saved the day by placing a stool on the counter and, one by one, he moved all the cups to a lower shelf.

And as such stories tend to go, there was of course immense resistance to these radical measures!

‘It is tradition! The cups are on the high shelf for a reason, we cannot break that!' Asserted some.

Others were more practically minded, ‘If we move these cups down then there won't be any space left on the counter for standing on.'

While others attested, ‘We cannot move these glasses for there are so many people who do not even have glasses to drink from. It is not fair.'

While some saw this young boy as a savior, etc. etc…

Hear this: our belief in struggle and contention precedes the experienced reality of struggle and contention. Relative to that belief, we very shrewdly avoid self-responsibility by associating what we are, what we aren't, how we feel and how functional our life is according to the constant fluctuations of our environment and relations.

We confidently conclude that life equals struggle and we prove it by pointing our finger at what isn't working well and what never works well for us.

What was the little boys trick? How did he do it? His attention was on ease and harmony. He didn't know any other reality.”

​Page 107
“What would it feel like to live a life where all that is most important is regarded as absolute priority? What would it take to truly care about the immense opportunity of this human existence?

Insight and wisdom will not suffice. Understanding will only take us so far. There needs to be heart. In fact, more than heart, there needs to be a passionate urging from the depth of our being. There needs to be a red hot passionate grocking that this life is here to be lived, that our existence is important, that this life is sacred and valuable. That we are important.”

Page 137
“How to be yourself
I’ve been reflecting on how to be oneself and I came up with a simple list of instructions.
The top 3 instructions for being oneself:
  1. Don’t follow instructions. Instructions are useful for establishing form and conditions. They have a place. However, when it comes the fullness of who you are, instructions must be dropped.
  2. Make your own set of rules. Let it be fun, experiment with form.
  3. Break those rules. See rule #1. We’re not trying to find the “right” way. We’re living, we’re loving. We are remembering how to live like the universe.
  4. Break those rules again.”

​Page 196
“Here is a great analogy for how Uranus works. Remembering that it's generally hard to grasp this archetype because it's function is beyond time:

​If you imagine you are playing a video game. from the point of view of Mario or Luigi there is only the apparent reality of each level. Mushrooms, bopping heads on blocks, throwing fireballs at monsters. However, from the point of view of the video game programmer, all the levels already exist, it's already set. Thus, there is actually no linearity to the game, other than how it's experienced from the perspective of one playing it.

Our incarnation, and I'd say the totality of all our incarnations, are like that. To the degree that we are identified within time and space we will not grasp the larger objective reality of the entire video game as a whole. Elements of the seeming “future” or “past” levels might show up and it may seem surprising or even traumatic to us because our consciousness was so conditioned according to what we currently see, hear, taste, smell, feel. As we step aside, literally detach, from the identification as Mario, or as Ari Moshe Wolfe, or as the story you have of your life: what is going on, what this is all about, who you are and where you are going, we naturally arrive at a greater birds-eye perspective on the actual nature of things.

There is an actual nature to the video game itself. There is an actual nature to the intelligence of creation. It's not something we can apprehend in our limited narrow perspective of things in the way we mostly tend to see. It is something we can observe and know directly. This knowing comes prior to interpretation or categorization. It is clear seeing.”