Retrograde Planets:
Complete 9 Part Class Series

With Ari Moshe Wolfe

This in depth class series is devoted to studying the evolutionary meaning of each retrograde planet, both in transit and in the natal chart.

The dates for the classes were designed around key planetary transits relative to the retrograde cycles. All classes were either during or near a Sun + planet conjunction or opposition (which represents either the midpoints between retrograde cycles or the midpoint of a retrograde cycle), during or near when a planet stations retrograde or direct, or when a planet is soon to enter its retrograde shadow period. Each class was taught as a live meeting on Zoom, recorded during the year 2021.

Students enrolled (at any time) in the Essentials Course Live, Self-Study, or the Chart Interpretation Course – are welcome to register in the Complete Retrograde Class Series at 50% off. Use coupon code: halfoff to apply discount.

Each class comes with a workbook with notes and review of core teachings. See below to purchase individual classes and FAQ.

Each of the 9 classes are on average about 90 minutes.

Student Testimonials

The Retrograde Class Series was exactly what I needed to encourage understanding and insight, rather than fear, of the "r" word. In an astrology climate of superficial catch phrases to describe the planets' retrogrades, your gentle coaxing of a deeper understanding of the nuances of those retrogrades was presented with the authenticity of heart and soul. The intimacy of your teaching style always leaves me feeling as if I've just come from a profound soul-nurturing initiation into the understanding of the Self in the Cosmos, whether attending live or via a recorded session. Thank you for your devotion and generosity in sharing your wisdom.
Kelly Moran
I really consider you as one of my most important astrology (and soul) teachers. So… thank you. The retrograde class series was amazing. I watched all of the videos already for several times. And the workbooks are so so helpful. Ari is a wise and gifted teacher, who leads the class in a gentle, emphatic but always purposeful way. He sets up a safe space and well-structured container for learning, growing, healing and evolving. I highly recommend Ari as a teacher and his courses for astrological studies and personal soul’s growth.
Verena Borell
Evolutionary Astrologer

Purchase Entire Series

Scroll down to purchase Individual Classes

Purchase Individual Classes

Venus rx class. $35

Chiron rx class. $35

Mars rx class. $35

Saturn rx class. $35

Mercury rx class. $35

Jupiter rx class. $35

Uranus rx class. $35

Neptune rx class. $35

Pluto rx class. $35

The date & astrology of each live class (all 2021)

  • Uranus – Friday April 30: Sun Uranus conjunction
  • Saturn – Friday May 21 Saturn soon to station retro (in a day)
  • Mercury – Friday June 18 Mercury soon to station direct (in three days)
  • Pluto – Friday July 16: Sun Opposite Pluto rx (exact in a day)
  • Jupiter – Friday Aug 20: Sun opposite Jupiter rx (1 day prior)
  • Neptune – Friday Sept 10: Sun opposite Neptune rx (in 3 days)
  • Mars – Friday Oct 8: Sun Mars conjunction
  • Venus – Friday Nov 12: Venus soon to enter rx shadow (in 5 days)
  • Chiron – Friday Dec 17: Chiron stations direct (in 1 day)


It's no longer 2021, why are these classes relevant to purchase now?

These classes taught the evolutionary meaning of the retrograde archetype for each planet. The teachings are universal by their very nature. While I often referred to the current retrograde cycles, I only did so as to provide example and embrace a relevant and easy teaching opportunity. These teachings are full of diverse examples and heart centered teachings, and are useful any time, especially as these planets continue to station retrograde every year.

What kind of chart examples are used in these classes?

In most classes I give examples of well known people and often opened up the final 30 or so minutes of class to student interaction and live chart examples.

Is there a difference between retrograde in transit and in the natal chart? Which did you teach?

Retrograde planets in the natal chart reflect karmic dynamics specific to the particular soul’s evolutionary journey, and thus has to be properly interpreted in the context of that soul’s journey. Similarly, transiting retrograde, while it is happening for everyone on the planet, will specifically manifest in ways that are relevant to the soul’s present moment evolutionary needs. Thus, the retrograde archetype always needs to be applied  to an individual context in order to be properly understood. For this reason, any blanket retrograde generalizations are generally wrong. In this series we worked with both natal and transits retrograde and explored the various dimensions and expressions of the retrograde archetype.